Thursday, August 9, 2012

Swedish Hasbeens

Usually when you hear the phrase “has beens” you don’t think of fashion or fun, right? We’re about to change your mind on that one … with a new line of amazingly adorable shoes and bags from a company called Swedish Hasbeens. Never heard of them? That’s ok, I’ll tell you a little bit about them and next thing you know you will be just as in love with these shoes as we are!

Team members Amie and Angela out and about in their favorite Toffels!

As the story goes, the company started when 300 pairs of red, white and black clogs from the 70’s were discovered in a basement of an old clog factory … hence the name Hasbeens. Oh yeah and the basement was in Sweden! “Our ambition is to continue to release more incoherent and fun shoes and stuff inspired by Hasbeens that once ruled the planet. “ And everyone here at Sole Food thinks they have hit the nail on the head. They are still handmade with respect for people and the environment in the old traditional way, and in small factories that have made shoes for decades.  Happy toffels make happy people.  What are toffels you ask? Toffel is Swedish for slipper … not only did you learn about a great new line, now you’re learning another language. Who said shoes won’t make you smarter? 

Bird Watchers bag 

Now that we’ve piqued your curiosity, and hopefully we’ve changed your opinion on the phrase “has beens” we will see you soon and help you find the prefect pair!

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