Do you ever wonder just how many pairs of shoes a person at a shoe store owns? Lots of people ask me how many pairs I own and it's come to the point where I honestly can't give them a number. That's not necessarily a bad thing! :D
I asked my fellow Sole Foodies to take pictures of their shoe collections, big and small. I also asked them to point out their favorite pair.

Amanda is a shoe fanatic, as you can tell by her photos! She's got shoes in boxes, stuffed in shoe shelves and even a small collection at her parents' house. Amanda's favorite pair is her Frye Simone Cuff boots (above), which she scored at the Sole Food sidewalk sale. Beautiful, aren't they?

Cute shoes Jen! Included in her collection are the ever-so-popular Opportunity heels from Gentle Souls. They are hot shoes!

Here's Anilyn's super-impressive collection. 3+ bookcases full of shoes!

Look how nicely organized Bridget's shoes are! To Bridget, shoes are what makes an outfit. Her favorite pair of shoes is her lovely, vintage ones from Dolce & Gabbana (above). Sadly, she says there too small, but hey! They're D&G, so they're worth it.

Frye, Coclico, John Fluevog...Bri has got some great shoes!

Here are the shoes in my closet. That doesn't count the ones I have by my front door, or in boxes packed up in the garage! My favorite pair are these Faryl Robin heels. So colorful and fun!